Apr 19
Written By Kyle Mitchell

Job Search Jitters: Reddit's Tales of Social Anxiety and Employment

Video Summary:

In this video, we're going to be talking about Reddit's Tales of Social Anxiety and Employment. These stories will provide you with helpful tips on how to deal with social anxiety when looking for a job.

We'll be discussing different methods for dealing with social anxiety, as well as discussing some of the challenges that people with social anxiety face when looking for a job. By the end of this video, you'll have all the information you need to start overcoming your social anxiety and find your dream job!


We are back on the social anxiety Reddit thread today to talk about this post called Terrified about getting a job. It shouldn't be a huge shock that getting a job is a pretty common fear with. People who have social anxiety as the workplace is a pretty social environment. You're probably here today because maybe you yourself are terrified about getting a job with your social anxiety and you're looking for answers.

Looking to see how you can go about getting a job yourself so you can start making that sweet, cold, hard cash. Well, you are in the right. Place. So let's go over the original post. I'm 21 and need to find a job, but I'm so scared and keep avoiding it. I've been practically a shut in in the past three to four years.

This is something that personally I have heard a lot from people as I used to do some one-on-one social anxiety coaching, and the problem was, is. The people that I would get linked up with that would want to do coaching were struggling with social anxiety so bad that they didn't have a job. Therefore, they couldn't help themselves invest in themselves for some coaching because they didn't have a job to fund it.

It was really quite the catch 22. And before people say, Kyle, why don't you just help people for free? Why do you make people pay for coaching? Well, I do that because I value my own time, and I also know the value that. I bring. So unfortunately I can't do it for free. So Josh, other than some casual work bond cleaning with my sister, but now I don't even have that anymore.

I don't know what to do. I've only ever worked in an empty environment where you don't need to be around people. So I have no experience in retail or hospitality jobs where you have to be around people all day. I feel like I'm not built to be a human. There's a lot of good comments. In response to this post though, like the success story of this guy getting a job at McDonald's, my mental health was really bad.

Last year I was 20 with zero work experience. Now I'm working at McDonald's and life feels slightly better. You can do it. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. I can't see that phrase and not. Say it like Rob Schneider in the movie Water, boy, you can do it. How did you get a job with no experience? It's McDonald's.

Yes, anyone can get a job at McDonald's even if you don't have experience. And I'm not sure what all these people are talking about. Fast food restaurants aren't expecting job experience and even if they do ask for a reference, you can just give them a family member or. Friend or just really anybody that's willing to say something nice about you because they aren't expecting much.

This is fast food restaurants, and let's be honest, 95% of people that are working at a McDonald's are usually teenagers in high school, and I can guarantee you that they aren't calling anybody's references. They aren't getting paid enough to do that. Like I said before, it's McDonald's not to knock on anybody who works at McDonald's by any means, but you're not applying to go work at JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs.

I like this next comment because I think it's a really good baby step for people who are trying to jump into the workplace and overcome that fear they have of getting a job. If you're not in a situation where you need the income, Asap. Try volunteering first so you can get used to working with people.

Bad as it is. There is no avoiding that in real life. This is pretty solid advice. Hu hu.

Heian Heian. Good advice. Heian. Nailed it. Forcing myself to get a job in retail years ago actually led to the end of my social anxiety. Nice. Absolutely hated it the first couple of times. Even called in sick for a couple of shifts, but I stuck with it and now I'm completely social. Anxiety free. People even call me super charming and outgoing.

Now if only they knew. This man has a gift. Andy, shut. Oh, you're misinforming the people. Okay. Okay, thank you. You may read that line and may think to yourself, oh, I need to figure out how I can be super outgoing. This is actually a false way to tell if you're taking back control from your social anxiety or not.

Outgoing may not be a personality trait of yours. Therefore, in order to achieve a really outgoing personality, you would just have to be really fake, and that would be exhausting. You may just be introverted like. Myself, social anxiety is no longer in control of my life. But if you went and talked to some of my friends, you'd never hear any of them describe me as.

Super outgoing, and that's okay. I just wanted to make that abundantly clear because I don't want anybody to make the mistake of thinking I need to become the super outgoing, extroverted person in order for me to reach my goals and take back control from social anxiety because it's just not true.

That's not the mark that tells you. If you've taken back control, how you can tell if you've taken back control is if you are making decisions in your life based on what you wanna do and not what your anxiety is telling you what you can't do. Anyways, super happy for you. Priman. Nata. Why does that sound so familiar?

I am instituting Priman Nokta Priman Nokta, I believe, from the movie Braveheart, and confirmed on Wikipedia is when the king got to Deflower. Every new bride on our wedding night, I'm sorry, I'd had a very different understanding to what Priman NATA meant. Interesting name. Okay. Then you got this guy asking, well, how many years did you struggle with social anxiety in your life?

And I love Freeman Okta's honest response here. It began when I was about 13, got my first retail job selling shoes when I was 21 ish. It got a little bit better with each year. I'm 26 right now. Got promoted to manager at a different shoe store chain while finishing my masters. Good job. Life is great.

I'm not even skipping classes anymore, which I did do for the entirety of my bachelor. I would say I have only been completely social, anxiety free for about a year now. It takes time and a lot of effort, but it is so worth it. Read that last line again. It takes time and a lot of effort. But it is so worth it.So many people with social anxiety get trapped in this mindset loop. That kind of sounds like this. What's the easiest and fastest way to overcome my social anxiety? Oh, this person gives away, but that seems kind of uncomfortable and difficult. You know what? I'm gonna try this. Easy way that somebody else did instead, then they end up trying that method for years and years and realize after a while, that's the easy and simple method that some expert told you about is not actually doing anything and they're not seeing any progress.

When instead they could have just taken the correct approach, maybe the uncomfortable approach, and actually started to see progress. Don't go in this mindset loop, and if you're in it right now, let me spoil it for you. There is no. Easy or quick way to do this. It just doesn't exist. Almost a 10th of the US population struggles with social anxiety disorder, and that's really only the ones that have been counted, the only ones that have actually been diagnosed with it.

So that number is probably a lot higher. Ask yourself this. Do you think that 15 million people would be struggling with social anxiety disorder if. There was a quick and easy way to overcome it. No. So this is a long one, but damn, this is a good one, and it's kind of suspiciously good. Hey, I'm 20 and I just recently started working after spending the entirety of my teenage years feeling like I'd rather die than get a job because I was that scared.

Oh boy. I think we all can relate with this, right? I know. I can relate to it now. My job requires me to speak to people constantly and to move quickly. I still get anxious before my shift, and I suspect that'll take a while to go away, but it's not nearly as bad as my brain made it seem, and it almost never is for me.

I needed to get to the root of what exactly I was scared of and to slowly teach myself that even the worst things I was afraid of happening weren't actually that bad. Okay. Train your brain. If you've watched any sort of my videos or been following me for a while, you've. Probably heard me use that phrase, train your brain because that's what you're doing.

For example, why was I afraid of getting a job? Because I thought I wouldn't do well. Okay. Why wouldn't I do? Well, there are people there to train you specifically, so you learn what to do. What happens if after training? I still mess up. Well, in every industry, even people who've been working for years mess up cut point hell, even high ranking government officials mess up.

Yes, they do. In fact, higher ranking government officials are probably the dumbest people on the planet. Besides if I do mess up, there will be more experienced people there to help. That is fire. Keep going. What if I embarrass myself? How would I embarrass myself by messing up? See above? Besides the only person that would remember any potential mess up would be myself nailing it.

Absolutely true. Most people are not gonna remember you messing up. You are your worst critic. What if I mess up so bad that they fire me? Well, if they're willing to fire a recent hire for making a mistake they probably weren't worth working at in the first place, it's not the end of the world if you get fired in terms of anxiety.

You'll end up looking for a new job. Holy . This guy is good. You don't usually see this type of advice and guidance on a comment on Reddit Sometimes, but not very often. Do you see what this person did here? They took their brain down the rabbit hole of thoughts and questions they'd be asking themselves and started answering them all out.

Started giving answers to what they would be thinking. This is really helpful, and especially if you write all this stuff down, something about writing just really ingrains it in your head over just thinking it. So try this out because like he says in the beginning here, most of the time, your brand is making ADD hope to be way worse than it actually is or can be.

So T L D R, no, I didn't have to look up what that acronym meant. I know I'm in. I'm in the zone here. I'm in the trends. I understand what that means. It might help you to look to the root of your fear and take yourself through the scenarios that you fear. It's never as bad as our anxiety riddled brains tell us.

I actually learned to start doing this because of a counselor. If you're able to talk to one, I think it would be great. I started counseling with the goal of getting a job, and I achieved it after about. Seven to 10 sessions over the course of about a year, you can do it. He went to counseling. So now this makes a lot of sense of all these great gems this guy's been throwing out because he went to a great counselor that helped him and guided him through this process because honestly, it can be really hard to do this on your own sometimes.

And good for this guy for sharing his process and being a little vulnerable and saying, Hey, I was really struggling with this and here's what I did, and it really hope. To be clear, this is an additional tool in your tool bell and shouldn't be seen as a cure-all for your anxiety. It might be able to help a whole lot.

It might help just a little bit. It may just be a piece in your journey too, taking back control from social anxiety. But I think it'll definitely help. And if you're curious on what this person's job is, they are a host, which I think is a great job for someone with social anxiety. And I think it's a really good baby step to take and something that I believe that I mentioned in this video where I talked about the best jobs you can take on that are be helpful for your social anxiety.

Um, you can see it, right? Uh, here I'm 20 and I know how you feel. I need to get a job in a few months and I've been thinking about it anxiously for a year. I'm terrified of the thought of applying and in general of working somewhere with people it feels like. I'll be just a nuisance. I don't even know what to apply for because it feels like I won't be able to be useful anywhere.

Unfortunately, if you don't have higher education, most available jobs are with people like a waitress or shop assistant, if only someone else could get a job for me. Something simple that I could do alone without any human contact anyways. Good luck. I keep fingers crossed that you'll find a job you'll enjoy if you're looking to better yourself and take back control of your social anxiety with a job.

I recommend finding something that you can't just handle. That shouldn't be the the requirement that shouldn't be what you're looking for. For it should be something that can help you, can help you reach that next level of anxiety level management, that next level to help train your brain. Ideally, we would like to have a job that this is something that you like, right?

But sometimes that's not always available and you may have to take on a job that you don't necessarily like at first, but will be incredibly good brain training for yourself. So you can build the confidence to take on a job that you do. Like. If you do need help looking for jobs that are gonna help you with your social anxiety and help train your brain, go take a look at this video over here as it's one of my more popular ones, or maybe not videos, but it's one of my more popular blog posts and.

Lots of people have got a lot out of it by just the listed jobs here. Because if you Google what are good jobs for people's social anxiety, they're gonna tell you stuff where you don't have to make human contact. You know where you're by yourself, that type of thing. Which, if you're for that, that's fine, but if you're looking to improve, get better.

Build your social confidence and train your brain, what better way than to get a job to help you do that. You get paid to do it, and you also are held accountable by your job to show up and actually do the thing. So go take a look at that video. Thank you for watching this video. And if you haven't already, please subscribe.

I'm over 900 subscribers, so working to get to that, that thousand mark. That would be really cool. And who knows, maybe you could be the. Thousandth sub subscriber. That's really hard to say thousandth. I don't know how you could prove that you were, and I don't think I could prove that you were, but you'll always have that inside that you were the thousandth subscriber of social anxiety.

Kyle can't think of anything cooler than that. If you did like this video, Please like it, leave a comment. Let me know what you'd like to see coming up in the future. Do you like these Reddit type post videos? Do you like me to go on some more different videos, like some of the stuff I've done in the past about like the AI glasses for social anxiety or maybe the smelling human sweat.

That helps with social anxiety In a study that did in Sweden, oh, you haven't checked that video out. Well, you should cuz it's kind of weird, but also factual. Anyways, until next week, my people.


My mission is to help 1 million teens go from socially anxious to socially confident.

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