Apr 12
Written By Kyle Mitchell

What's the Greatest Mental Health Tip You've Gotten? (As Found On Reddit)

Video Summary:

On r/AskReddit, I found a post "What's the best mental health tip you've gotten?"  I scrolled through 100's of comments to pick out the best tips for anxiety, depression, and general mental health that I found on the subreddit.  Some of these tips you may know and will be a reminder and some of the tips are one's I bet you've never heard of.



Here are some of the best mental health clips I've found. Being vulnerable with a woman is some of the worst advice that modern day women give to men. Because I don't believe in prep. Don't message me about the going on. So, to answer your question, Nero, if somebody that prep could start a threatening that they were gonna commit suicide, I would dare them to do it.

Get this? I would never stop again. Stop. Sorry about that. I must have pushed the wrong button. On the Ask Reddit subreddit, I found a post that somebody made entitled, what's the Best Mental Health Tip You've gotten? Obviously, I'm intrigued by this. I start rolling through some of the comments on this post and I realize that a lot of them are.

Some pretty actual decent tips, some you may have never heard of before, and then some. You'll be thankful for the reminder. But before we get into it,

thank you for everybody who continues to come back and watch my videos. Seriously, I appreciate you all so much, but why are only 10% of you subscribe to the channel? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you forgot. You come here, you watch the videos, and you forget to subscribe. So here's a reminder to not only just subscribe, but be a part of the effort to start to decrease and maybe even remove.

The mental health stigma, and if you're already subscribed or after you subscribe, please leave a comment down below telling me your best mental health tip. Would you be friends with someone that talks to you the way that you talk to yourself in your head? Be kinder to yourself. This is so important, especially if you struggle with anxiety.

With anxiety, you may find yourself kind of, you know, yelling at your anxiety, go away. Anxiety, why are you here? Leave me alone. But this actually doesn't help your anxiety go away. In fact, it does the opposite. Think back to the last time that you may have done this, and you'll probably notice that it actually made your anxiety a lot stronger.

Started to coming in a lot harder. One of the most helpful things that you can do when you start having those anxious thoughts, the anxiety starts coming about, is to start talking to your anxiety like you would a friend, even give it a name, personalize it, right? My anxiety's name is Lloyd. My daughter's anxiety's name is Lola.

So what's yours? Once you've named your anxiety, you can start to talk to it like a friend saying something like this. Hey, Lloyd. I appreciate you coming out. I appreciate you trying to protect me to keep me safe, but I just wanna let you know I am safe in this moment. I'm perfectly fine, but once again, thank you for coming out.

But you can go, you know, just go chill. I'll let you know if I need you again, but for right now, I'm good with just me. Sound crazy. Try it. I'm telling you, this is one of those. Underrated things that most people don't do, but man, does it work really well? Here's a great mental health tip that I had never heard before, but I like it.

Anything worth doing is worth half-assing. At first, this sounds kind of questionable, but after reading more, I actually really like this tip. Can't shower washcloth. Can't cook frozen dinners, can't exercise. Stand outside for a moment or buy an open window, do the little things. Something is better than nothing.

And this guy had a really good take on it. This was a huge push for me breaking out of my depressive episodes. Don't have the energy to . Brush your teeth floss and then mouthwash. Just grab your toothbrush wet and do a few scrubs. That all, that's all it takes. Oftentimes you will, I'm already here, might as well do the rest of it, and it helps a ton.

So you can kind of trick your brain into actually doing. That full thing. It's also important to note that eating toothpaste is not a half-assed way to brush your teeth. I'm pretty sure that's not good for you. If someone consumes high levels of fluoride, it can cause several symptoms. See, I was right.

However, an entire tube of toothpaste only contains 0.15% fluoride. An average adult would have to eat. Eight tubes of toothpaste for it to be deadly. Okay, maybe I wasn't right. We're here learning on this channel today. It's okay to half ass brushing your teeth by eating toothpaste. Just try to keep it under eight tubes.

Please don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Hmm. I like that. Too many times in my life have I left trying to be perfect. Keep me from being okay with good. I only worked out four times this week instead of five. I only read two books this month instead of four. This really ties in with something I say all the time.

Reward your efforts, not your results. Amanda Mo says, damn, that's good. No. Damn, that's perfect. Okay, calm down. I know that's cheesy. That's just how I do it. You can't control other people's actions or feelings. You can only control how you react to them. This reminds me of that episode from the office where Andy comes back from anger management and he's telling everybody that he goes by Drew now, but Jim keeps calling him Andy instead of the requested.

Drew, I can't control what you do. I can only control what I do. Which is another way to say that you shouldn't care about anything other than yourself ignoring others. Classical psychology. No, that's not actually what it means. It just means focus on what you can control because focusing on what you can't control is not only a waste of your time, but it's bad for your mental health.

That made me angry. That made me angry too. You know that good feeling you get when you help someone asking for help is giving someone else the opportunity to feel that way. How many of you need this reminder regularly? Like, I need somebody to tell me this every single morning when I wake up. It can feel like you're creating a burden for someone by asking for help from them, but in reality, most of the time, people are really willing and want to help you.

Now, that is a load of Pollyanna bs. What in the world is Pollyanna? Bs? Uh, so it's based off a Disney movie called Pollyanna, it looks like, which basically means you're in excessively or. Blindly optimistic person. Never heard of that phrase before, but learning some new stuff today. Usually when I ask for help, it's given a blank stare.

People don't like helping at all. What on earth would make you think that? Well, there is, you know, mean or kind of nasty people who have no desire to help ever, but I think those people are really few and far between. You have to remember that even the nicest of people who are seemingly always wanting to help, others have times, days that they don't want to because.

They're not in the best mental health space themselves, so it's hard for them to pour into others when they're looking for someone to pour into them because they're the ones that need the help. And I know you know what I'm talking about cuz we all go through this. You know, I'll have times where I really want to help people and I'll pour into people.

And then there's other times where I'm just like, I can't, I can't help you right now, man. I'm just, I'm not in a space to do it. I don't have it in me right now. So this person just seems like they had one bad experience and kind of let it define all experiences. So if you take anything from this, don't let one bad experience or one person telling you no, make you think that, oh, everybody's me and nne, oh, everybody just tells me, no, it's not true.

It's just sometimes you have reached people at the wrong time. Worrying about being happy is the cause of unhappiness. Don't try to be happy in life. Just try to live well. Now I'm worrying about worrying about being happy. This is really good advice though. The more that you choose to chase happiness, the faster it runs away.

That's been my experience. Thoughts aren't facts. Facts. We have somewhere around 60,000 thoughts per day with about 80% of those thoughts being negative thoughts and 95% of those thoughts being that. Same thoughts that you had the day before. So no, your thoughts are not facts and you shouldn't treat them as such because like I said, 80% of your thoughts are negative and you don't want to internalize them as truth.

My finger's bleeding. This one has a little bit of a story to it. I was having trouble with a coworker. She was always criticizing me and annoying me. It didn't have any practical effect on my job or career. She wasn't on my team, nor was she is in a position of authority, but it was demoralizing and unpleasant.

I brought it up with my boss and he side, and before he walked away, he said, this person really needs a good tip here because we've all dealt with people like this before. It's probably something like what we talked about. Before, like you can only control what you can control. You can't control others or maybe even, you know, put space between you and toxic people in your life.

Let's see what this person, boss said to them. He said she's a, it was terrific. I realized, yes. She is a, she complains about me and insults me because she is an unpleasant person. It has nothing to do with me, and it only has the effect on me that I allow it to have odd advice. Not sure, I'd call it a tip or advice.

But I will say that that last sentence there is true. It has nothing to do with you, but more to do with what that person is going through. I just think you bleeding. Anyways, thank you all for watching. Also, I don't know if you saw my post, but I reached a thousand subs here, so basically a YouTuber. Now I'm famous.

I'm a celebrity. I'm a. Quit with that. On all seriousness, thank you all for subscribing to the channel. I appreciate you all so much. It's been really cool to build an audience. I did get one comment from, I don't remember your name, but I'll put a little screenshot here and he said, love that you got to a thousand subs, but I'd love to have, you know, some more kind of community.

I'd love to see more comments in the videos, so I'm gonna try to maybe instigate that a little more. Also, I need you all to comment a little more. So please, if I do ask you to comment during the video or if you have something to say about the video, you have your own tips or advice or your own take on something, even if it's completely opposite of what I said or believe I.

Totally don't care. I welcome the opposite belief. Um, or if you just want to agree with me, it doesn't matter me, matter to me what your, what your outlook is on what I talk about. I just love to hear all perspectives honestly. And it doesn't make me mad, doesn't make me angry by any means. So would love for you all to comment.

Uh, this will also help my videos kinda. Boost out there and get to more people. The algorithm really like, some people comment cause they're like, oh this, these people like this video me, zoom it out to some more people. So it would be really helpful. Um, like I said, appreciate you all and I hope you enjoyed this video and you know what it is.

I'll see you all next week. Peace.


My mission is to help 1 million teens go from socially anxious to socially confident.

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